Digital Transformation
BIGMART : Largest Retail Chain In Nepal
Bigmart is the largest retail chain in Nepal currently running 70+ outlets within Kathmandu valley and Chitwan. It is operated by Mega mart Pvt. Ltd with its main warehouses located around the city
Revolutionizing Retail
Big Mart now has 50 outlets throughout the Kathmandu Valley. Known to offer competitive prices, Big Mart expanded digitally through its mobile app by reaching thousands of users, notifying them about deals, and allowing them to shop from home.
Obstacles Tackled
There were different technical and managerial challenges in the project. Some of the major challenges are listed below:
- Creating a dynamic display panel to showcase promotional offers & deals.
- To ensure a positive customer experience, we have carefully selected a range of promotions to feature on our offers page. Including all available promotions on this page would significantly increase load time and potentially diminish the user experience.
- During the lockdown period, Big Mart formed a partnership with eCommerce platform Daraz to deliver their products to the customer's homes. This required displaying offers from both platforms in our app.
- During login the users have to enter their registered number, then the system generated an OTP code that is sent as an SMS to the number. The challenge with this was that every time a user request the login code sms was sent, which increased the cost of sms.
- Sometimes the customer's purchase data were not synced in the Big Mart's database itself so those purchase data were not displayed in the customer purchase history page in the app.
- We made the offers page dynamic. We created 14 different sections for displaying different kinds of promotions.
- Each section can be used multiple times and in any position. The sections have been made in such a way that they cover all types of promotions.
- We introduced the "See more" feature in every section so that only a few items of that category would be displayed on the offers page and the rest would be listed on the "see more" page. This reduced the loading time on the offers page.
- We added an e-commerce feature to our system. From this feature, we can not only add items from Daraz but we can add different e-commerce sites which are tied to BigMart currently and in the future and assign products in the e-commerce to be displayed in the app.
- To reduce the cost of sms while logging in we added a feature to reuse the latest OTP code sent in the sms. Users can use the latest code instead of requesting a new one while logging into the app.
- We added a report if the bill is not displayed feature in the purchase history page.
QA Roles
- Test the application on both Android and iOS across multiple devices.
- Test the CMS in different browsers for the compatibility check.
- Perform functional testing.
- Perform regression testing
- Perform UI/UX testing
- Check the overall functionality of the system.
- Issue tracking and maintaining in the repo.
- Prepare test scenarios and test cases and execute them.
- Prepare release notes for each sprint release.
- Make recommendations for improvements.
- Communicating with other team members to solve problems
- Testing the overall performance of the system to ensure the system's efficiency.
Applied Technology
Platform support | Min-iOS 12.0 |
Programming language | Swift 5 |
Software Architecture | Viper |
Library and SDK | 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift','MBProgressHUD','Firebase/Analytics', 'Firebase/Messaging','Alamofire', '~> 4.7','AlamofireImage', '~> 3.3', 'SwiftyJSON','SkyFloatingLabelTextField', '~> 3.0', 'ImageSlideshow/Alamofire','CRRefresh', 'lottie-ios', 'YoutubePlayerView','Cosmos', '~> 21.0','CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout','CryptoSwift', '~> 1.0','Charts','XLPagerTabStrip', '~> 9.0.0','OTPTextField' |
Analytics | Google firebase |
Team Members
Backend Developer
Data Analysis
Mobile Developer
Project Lead
Quality Assurance
Project Documents Handed
Test Case Document
API Documentation
Load Testing Document
Test Case Execution Document
User Guidelines Document
Sprint Release Notes
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